2024 Bond Proposal

Information Hub

The purpose of this section of our website is to inform the McDougle Community and greater public about the 2024 CHCCS Bond Proposal. We are sharing the details we have gathered and are providing access to available documents and data. This is an evolving and fast-moving process, and we are doing our best to keep all information on this site up-to-date and factual.

We understand that both CHCCS and Orange County school buildings are in dire need of repairs and replacements, and we genuinely want to support the acquisition of necessary funds to improve our public schools. But we cannot back the current bond proposal and consider the plan lacking in thoughtfulness, thoroughness, community input, and collaboration. It is our hope that the Board of County Commissioners and the School Board will work with other leaders and the community at large to create a plan that captures our community’s strengths and values.

UPDATE: Early voting for the November 5, 2024 elections has now begun! You must be registered to vote in order to vote on the Bond Referendum. We encourage everyone to vote YES.

Next Steps: What Can We Do?

Speak Up! Share your feedback with community leaders and anybody who could convey your message! See below for the most important contacts but feel free to reach out to anybody else you know or can think of, including your neighbors and friends and those who may not have children in our schools. Click here to access some sample emails.

Photos from the CHCCS Board Meeting on June 6, 2024 and the McDougle Community Forum hosted by MES PTA and Families on May 30, 2024.