
Fall 2024

Another session of after school clubs is here! Please click on the buttons below to be taken to registration. Most of our clubs fill up quickly and we will link to a wait-list if this happens. We sometimes have extra spots open up and we also use the wait-list to inform our decisions about offering future clubs. 

Our clubs are either run by the PTA or independent organizations. Please contact (and not school staff) with any questions. 

Fees collected by the PTA are used to pay stipends to club leaders, for supplies and materials, and for a club scholarship fund. We are committed to offering all kids at MES the opportunity to participate in clubs. If your child would like to participate and needs a scholarship (covering 100% of the cost) please contact us!

Most of our clubs take place once a week and kids will go right to their club at 2:35pm on that day. 

All clubs dismiss the kids to the kiss-and-go lane at the front of the school. We do NOT have the staff to accompany kids to any other places but the front entrance. During the registration process you can indicate if your child (in grades 3-5) should leave out the back on their own to walk or bike home. Click here for more details regarding pick up and other club policies.

We’re always looking to add more clubs (especially sports and STEM) and would LOVE to find parents or other family members who can lead them (we can pay a small stipend.) We’re also looking for occasional volunteers to help with current clubs, please sign up here if you can help.