Families Helping Families/ Familias Que Ayudan a Las Familias
About Families Helping Families
Want to get involved in your child’s school but are limited in time and resources? Consider signing up to Families Helping Families. We’ve launched a new and improved sign up website to make enrolling even easier!
MES Families Helping Families is a program in which Dolphin families can help other Dolphin families in need of food, clothing, basic furniture, and assistance with recreational opportunity costs (i.e., soccer, field trip expenses, after school care), etc.
MES FHF is an easy way to participate in the MES community and provides opportunities to help in a variety of ways, which in turn, enriches all of our lives.
There are no official obligations when you sign up to receive MES FHF outreach support emails.
Emails are sent every couple of weeks/months and specify urgent as well as non-urgent needs.
If you are able to contribute to a specific need, simply contact the school social worker, Laura Olley and arrangements can be made to the deliver the needed item.
With FHF you can contribute as little or as much as you are able and still feel great about supporting other Dolphin families. If you have further questions about how you can participate, please contact Laura Olley lolley@chccs.k12.nc.us.
Check out our web page and sign up today! If you have previously enrolled in FHF, you are welcome to re-enroll if you need to update your email. Otherwise, you are still on the list if you had signed up previously.
¿Quiere involucrarse en la escuela de su hijo(a) pero está limitado en tiempo y recursos? Considere la posibilidad de inscribirse en Familias que Ayudan a las Familias (FHF por sus siglas en inglés). ¡Hemos lanzado un nuevo y mejorado sitio web de registro para hacer que la inscripción sea aún más fácil!
Familias que ayudan a familias de la Escuela Primaria McDougle (MES por sus siglas en inglés) es un programa en el cual las familias de los Delfines pueden ayudar a otras familias de Delfines que necesitan comida, ropa, muebles básicos, y ayuda con los costos de oportunidades recreacionales (es decir, fútbol, gastos de viajes escolares, cuidado después de la escuela), etc.
MES FHF es una forma fácil de participar en la comunidad MES y ofrece oportunidades para ayudar en una variedad de formas, que a su vez, enriquece todas nuestras vidas.
No hay obligaciones oficiales cuando se registra para recibir correos electrónicos de apoyo de MES FHF.
Los correos electrónicos se envían cada par de semanas / meses y especifican las necesidades urgentes y no urgentes.
Si usted es capaz de contribuir a una necesidad específica, simplemente comuníquese con la trabajadora social de la escuela, Laura Olley y se harán arreglos para entregar el artículo necesario.
Con FHF usted puede contribuir tan poco o mucho que pueda y todavía sentirse bien sobre el apoyo a otras familias de Delfines. Si tiene más preguntas acerca de cómo puede participar, comuníquese con Laura Olley lolley@chccs.k12.nc.us.
¡Vea nuestra página web y regístrese hoy mismo! Si ya se ha inscrito en FHF, puede volver a inscribirse si necesita actualizar su correo electrónico. De lo contrario, todavía está en la lista si se inscribió durante el año escolar.
Please note Families Helping Families is not a MES PTA initiative.
McDougle Elementary School Clothes Closet
The McDougle Clothes Closet is a free service for all families in our school community who need clothes.
The goal of the Clothes Closet is to provide free, clean, size-appropriate, and stylish clothing so each child can feel comfortable and confident to be ready to learn at school. Clothes are carefully selected, laundered, and presented with care for each individual student who utilizes the service.
The Clothes Closet is a donation-driven volunteer project and continues to grow thanks to the generosity of families who can give who do give.
The Clothes Closet has three primary functions:
Provides Clothing Kits for all students who need any type of clothing, jackets, winter hats, shoes, underwear and/or socks.
Provides emergency clothing for any child who has an accident or experiences a wardrobe malfunction during the school day. A quick trip to the Clothes Closet ensures that student can return to the classroom immediately missing as little instruction time as possible.
Provides formal clothing for any child who wants to dress up for picture day, fifth grade interviews, or any other formal occasion.
The Clothes Closet Committee appreciates both new and gently used donated clothes. We are happy to take any leggings/joggers, tees, coats, and shoes that are in good condition. Click here to see the Clothes Closet Wishlist.
Click here to donate to a discretionary fund for direct family needs.
Clothes Closet Testimonial
The Clothes Closet does more than just give students clean clothing. It gives them confidence.
McDougle, like schools everywhere, participates in the annual ritual that is school picture day. Last Fall, one particular student expressed sadness after his picture was taken. Our ever-attentive school nurse noticed his gloom and asked him if she could help. He reluctantly shared his embarrassment with her that he didn’t look as nice as the other boys in his class.
The nurse promptly took him over to the Clothes Closet, picked out a handsome dress shirt and a sharp tie. She marched him back into the picture line and asked the photographer if he could have his picture taken again. The representative said they didn’t usually do that but she would make an exception. His picture was taken again and compared with the first.
It looked like two different kids. Not because of the clothes. It was because of his smile.
Contact Information
Staff Contact: Ms. Laura Olley, MSW, LCSW, School Social Worker, Office number 919-969-2435 x 64380, email lolley@chccs.k12.nc.us
Volunteer Contact: Erin Hussey, Parent, erinhussey84@gmail.com, Cell phone (910) 690-8831