
Interested in Volunteering? Start Here!

The McDougle Elementary School PTA has high hopes for an engaging and community-building year. We can't do it without the help of parents, friends and family. Join the Pod by filling out our volunteer interest form and help make this year a success! 

There are many ways you can support McDougle Elementary School. You can volunteer for an hour here or there, join a committee to help plan a program or event, or join the PTA board to help with all projects throughout the year. Thank you in advance for your help. The MES PTA Board looks forward to an amazing year. Membership is not required to volunteer. We hope that you will encourage your child/children to attend a PTA sponsored event in order to celebrate being part of our wonderful shared MES Dolphin community!


These events mostly occur one time a year and volunteers are needed only during the specific time of before and during the activity.


There are many school functions that occur throughout the year, often at a very low level of activity for most of the time. Involvement in these areas may be either as a coordinator or as a contributor.