Interested in Volunteering? Start Here!
The McDougle Elementary School PTA has high hopes for an engaging and community-building year. We can't do it without the help of parents, friends and family. Join the Pod by filling out our volunteer interest form and help make this year a success!
There are many ways you can support McDougle Elementary School. You can volunteer for an hour here or there, join a committee to help plan a program or event, or join the PTA board to help with all projects throughout the year. Thank you in advance for your help. The MES PTA Board looks forward to an amazing year. Membership is not required to volunteer. We hope that you will encourage your child/children to attend a PTA sponsored event in order to celebrate being part of our wonderful shared MES Dolphin community!
These events mostly occur one time a year and volunteers are needed only during the specific time of before and during the activity.
Book Fairs: MES has 2 book fairs each year, a Fall Scholastic book fair and a Spring True book fair. These require a number of volunteers working in shifts for the week to help the students with their needs as well as volunteers to help set-up and clean up.
Gardens & Grounds: Multiple times a year weekend days are scheduled to work on the gardens and grounds of our school planting flowers, laying mulch, working on the interior gardens, etc.
Staff Appreciation: The largest event is Teacher Appreciation Week in May. Many volunteers are needed to make this week amazing for our MES staff and faculty. This committee also provides weekly Teacher Lounge snacks for staff meetings and some extras through the year. Needs include set-up and clean-up in addition to supplying edible treats and tokens of appreciation.
PSF 5K for Education: This district-wide event is a run/walk around the UNC campus every March. Volunteers are needed to coordinate with the Public School Foundation on behalf of MES and recruit a cheering squad for the day of the event to cheer on our runners.
PSF Breakfast of Roses: The PSF holds a teacher breakfast once a year and solicits donations for the teachers breakfast. A volunteer is needed to coordinate with the PSF for this event.
MES Community Events: We hold numerous community events each year and these require many volunteers on the day of to run the booths or activities, sell food or spirit wear, help set up and clean up after the event, etc.
MES Fundraisers: One of the largest sources of revenue for the school, these events may include games, food, raffle prizes, and items for silent auction. Volunteers are needed to coordinate these items such as tables, tickets, bid sheets, bake sale, food sale, entertainment, crafts, and materials for booths.
There are many school functions that occur throughout the year, often at a very low level of activity for most of the time. Involvement in these areas may be either as a coordinator or as a contributor.
Book Fairs: Work with Scholastic Books for Fall book fair and librarian for Spring True book fair; Recruit volunteers to set up, operate, and pack up fair; Schedule teacher previews and family night; solicits teacher wish lists.
Dine Out Nights: Coordinate social parent/family events with local restaurants providing a percentage of the takings from food and/or beverages to go toward the PTA.
Corporate Donations: Reach out to businesses in our community to solicit gift cards or donations of items for fundraising prizes or teacher appreciation giveaways. Also maintain a list of business discounts available to the PTA.
Cultural Arts/Assemblies: Promote the cultural arts by selecting programs that expose students to a wide range of artists and media, representing varying backgrounds and points of view; Coordinate dates, contracts, logistics, and payment; opportunities could include artists-in-residence and grant funding.
Families Helping Families: Committee that provides assistance to local families in need. Work closely with the school social worker.
Advocacy: Serve as MES's liaison to district’s PTA Council, a group representing PTAs from all district schools; Attend monthly meeting of Council. Also keep apprised of local and state elections and new developments in the media that affect public eduction, and share them with the school community.
Audit: Includes 3 members; Meet in July or August for 2-3 hours to review the financial books from the previous year to make sure everything was done correctly.
Nominations: Work in the Spring to find and recruit current PTA members or new members to be officers in the following school year; Run the election process.
Grants: Search and apply for grants to support PTA efforts; Ensures grant requirements are fulfilled.
Campus Beautification: Help organize garden clean-up days with families and liaises with the district on mowing, sustainability, composting and other projects that concern the beds & grounds of the school.
After School Clubs: Coordinate all after-school clubs; Work with MES staff, local businesses and parent & teacher volunteers to scheduled after school clubs; Arrange and advertise clubs.
Dads Club: Run Dads Club; Recruit members, arrange meetings and schedule efforts to support a PTA initiative.
MES Community Events: Work with committee to plan events; Includes coordinating with PTA members, school staff and faculty, MES families and local businesses as needed. Past events have included Winter Market, Fall Festival, End of Year Picnic, Multicultural Night, Family Fitness Night, Science Night, and more.
Fundraising: Work with committee to plan annual fundraising events; Includes all aspects of planning, coordinating and executing fundraising efforts to ensure we raise enough money to execute our programs. Primarily involves a large Fall fundraiser. May include some other smaller fundraisers such as Student Dances, Bingo Night, etc.
Room Parent: Assist teachers in coordinating activities and volunteers for classroom events; Promote PTA and general school information to classroom families.
Room Parent Coordination: Coordinate room parent organization; Initiate signup of room parents, hold training, and periodically share information with room parents to be communicated to parents.
Communications: Maintain electronic distribution list; Work closely with the President & Vice President to update website; Send regular email blasts to remind families of events or deadlines; Help write and coordinate monthly PTA newsletter; Regularly update information on social media sites (Facebook and Instagram).
Swimmy: Be the school mascot; attend events throughout the year eliciting excitement in the children.
President: Coordinates the efforts of the entire PTA, including summer planning and year-round management. Prepares agenda for and presides at meetings of the PTA Board of Directors and PTA. Appoints chair persons and members of all committees, Serves as ex officio member of all committees. Signs checks and contracts. Seeks feedback from all stakeholders.
Vice-President: Acts as a key advisor and deputy for the President. Helps oversee Fundraising throughout the year and the fall Membership Drive. Attends meetings of the Board of Directors . May preside at meetings in absence of President. Manages Room Parent communication & newsletter/social media updates in absence of chairs.
Treasurer: Works with Board of Directors to develop an annual budget. Reviews check requests, verifies funds availability, writes checks, obtains co-signer(s), and delivers payment. Prepares & presents financial reports for PTA & Board of Director meetings. Coordinates with Audit Committee for annual audit and files tax return and sales tax reimbursements. Attends meetings of the membership and Board. Professional experience not required.
Secretary: Attends and prepares minutes for meetings of the membership and Board of Directors. Maintains official files of PTA & helps manage website updates.
Member at Large: Attends meetings of the membership and Board of Directors. Volunteers throughout the year to support the initiatives of the PTA.