SNAC - Special Needs Advisory Council
The Special Needs Advisory Council (SNAC) strives to represent the interests of Exceptional Children (EC) students, with the goal of helping to improve the educational experience of EC students and promote inclusion and awareness to benefit all students in the CHCCS district.
What is SNAC and how does it help children with special needs?
SNAC is a group of parents, district staff, and community professionals working together for the continuous improvement of the CHCCS Exceptional Children's program. Our purpose is to influence district policy on EC issues and promote inclusion in our schools. If your child currently has (or recently had) an IEP, a 504 plan, is medically fragile or has learning differences, then it is in your interest to get involved with SNAC.
What Does SNAC Do?
Serves as a link between EC parents and the district by sharing information, identifying concerns, and improving collaboration
Makes recommendations to the Superintendent and Board of Education on desired improvements
Studies areas of concern related to the education of exceptional children
SNAC at a Glance
Download the SNAC brochure in English or in Spanish.
Have General Questions Related to EC or Community Resources?
Please explore our Resources Page and feel free to contact your school SNAC representative (the current MES rep is Christa Abedi) or SNAC leadership at
Other Links:
SNAC Calendar Page - a complete list of meetings times and locations this year
Join our SNAC email list to be kept up to date on SNAC activities
Follow SNAC on Facebook to find out about local activities.